No answers to questions

Letter to the Editor published in the Hudson Star Observer

My name is Trevor and I’ve been a resident in New Richmond for almost all my life. Recently, I’ve been seeing signs around New Richmond - “No Manure Digester” - and have been wondering what it's about. I asked a few pointed questions and, well, I wish I had the answer but I don’t. That’s a problem for me and should be for all the residents of The City Beautiful.

What I have learned is that a company, Nature Energy, has filed to rezone a property down the road from the dog park, northwest of town. Why, you might ask? Well, that’s interesting. Because in their application, they fail to produce any reason for the rezoning. A bit further research into the matter and you can learn that, to one degree or another, Nature Energy has been peppering this part of the state with applications to facilitate the implementation of a Manure Digestion facility. Let’s put that supposition aside for a moment and focus on a more pertinent issue.

Do you know that there is a company seeking to rezone a property that is slated to be used eventually for the purpose of homes and apartments as one that would allow an industrial purpose? What might that do to the utility and value of those residential properties adjacent to it? And why has The City Beautiful gone ahead with Nature Energy without explicitly requiring the necessary information about their intentions with this property?

This application to rezone should be rejected by the city council. It should never have been entertained as-is. And if Nature Energy wants to resubmit that application, it should come with a very thorough explanation of what their intentions are for that property. The citizens of this city should have the final say regarding this issue.

I strongly encourage every one of you in New Richmond to contact your alderperson and express to them your expectation that this application be denied for incompleteness. And then I strongly encourage all of you to remain aware of the issue. This didn’t happen by accident.


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