Chair’s Message 12/11/2023

Ever think of running for local office?  Now’s the time!  County Board seats are all up in next spring’s elections.  NOW IS THE TIME to file for candidacy and collect a few signatures.  The paperwork is due by January 2nd!  Similar timelines are in place for municipal and school board elections across St. Croix County.

Go to for complete information about County Board elections. Check your municipal or school board website or call your local clerk for others.

Local races are nonpartisan, which means simply that you don’t run as a member of a party.  Unlike state legislative races, there is no “D” or “R” after your name and no partisan primary.  You don’t have to belong to a political party to run for office. Next year on February 20th there will be a primary, but it’s an open primary with no D or R designation. Primary winners go on to the general election on April 2, the same day as the presidential primary.

Nonpartisan doesn’t mean that political parties don’t back candidates and help them get elected. If you are interested or know someone who might be, please get in touch with me or another member of the SCC Democrats leadership team.

Paul Hambleton


St. Croix County Democrats


We need to work within the system, not around it.


When Republicans Were The Progressive Party. What happened to their values?