1.8.24 News You Can Use

Chair's Message

Happy New Year! I’m sure you know by now that the spring election is just around the corner with school board, county supervisor, and municipal government seats to be decided on April 2, the same date as the presidential primary.  And then there’s November 5, when Joe Biden and Tammy Baldwin will be re-elected and Congress will go blue.  We all recognize the stakes of the coming election and that 2024 will be a pivotal year locally and nationally. Let’s work together to make a difference right here in our community and home, St. Croix County.

Paul Hambleton

Important Dates 

January 9, 2024 Membership Meeting Topic: Civics 101

February 13th, 2024 Membership Meeting Topic: The Face of Hunger in St. Croix County

February 20, 2024 Spring Primary (If needed)

March 12th, 2024 Membership Meeting

Good News

Millions in Federal Infrastructure Investments coming to the Badger State

In December, Democrats delivered funding for vital infrastructure projects all around Wisconsin. Gov. Evers and Sen. Baldwin announced Wisconsin would receive $140 million from the American Rescue Plan to expand broadband access and affordability across the state. Since 2019, over 395,000 Wisconsin homes and businesses have gained access to the reliable high-speed internet, and the additional funding will help connect even more Wisconsinites in the coming years. 

This funding is in addition to an $11 million investment from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Safe Streets and Roads for All program. By fixing Wisconsin’s roads, the project will significantly improve the safety of Wisconsinites, create good paying jobs, and help to revitalize communities throughout Wisconsin.

After decades of disinvestment in American infrastructure, Democrats and President Biden are delivering once-in-a-generation investments in our roads, bridges, rails, and broadband—and no thanks to Wisconsin Republicans in Congress who voted against essential legislation like the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and American Rescue Plan that are paying off for Wisconsin.

Renew Your Absentee Status in January 

“Make a plan to vote.” 

We’re going to hear that a lot this year. What does that mean, exactly? 

It means to mind the calendar, plan for contingencies, and be specific.

Most of us intend to vote. But any number of unforeseen reasons – school, work, family, travel – can easily prevent us from casting our ballots despite our best intentions. This year’s elections are not ones you’ll want to sit out, so here are some things to consider as you build your plan to vote.

Every plan starts with making absolutely sure you are registered to vote. Check your status on the link below. It’s quick and easy. 

While you’re on the myvote website, consider requesting to vote by mail.  Every Wisconsin voter can request an absentee ballot. You can request an absentee ballot for one election or the entire year.  

Don’t wait until the deadline — you need to give election officials time to process voter requests and mail out ballots. Once you submit your request, you can track it until your ballot arrives.

Review the candidates and issues and on the 2024 ballots, as well as the dates for the upcoming elections. Here in St. Croix County, we have four election dates: 

February 20 - Primary, only if two or more candidates are running for an office

April 2 - Spring Election and Presidential Preference Vote

August 13 - Partisan Primary

November 5 - General and Presidential Election

If you’re on social media, share with your social network how easy it is to register to vote by mail if they haven’t yet. Help spread the joy of voting this year.  Your democracy will love you for it.

Biden-Harris Delivered in 2023 for Americans

Good News. Jobs creation, lowered prescription drug costs, high speed internet, business growth, clean energy jobs and many more of the specific accomplishments are listed in our news section.  And yeah!, gas prices are down. Read more about it.

Call to Action

Anti-Refugee Resolution submitted to St. Croix County Board

We are requesting your assistance in contacting County Supervisors to reject a recently proposed resolution calling for a moratorium on refugee resettlement in St. Croix County. The resolution is based on an inaccurate premise that St. Croix County has an over abundance of refugees. This is disinformation. We have many concerns about this resolution as well as the values behind it. This appears to be symbolic in nature and beyond the role of the Board. We believe that these symbolic resolutions take valuable time away from the real issues of St. Croix County. Additionally, it creates an issue where there is none and may result in hate rhetoric and disinformation about refugees in our community. We will be reviewing and attending the Administration Committee Agenda for January 16th at 5:00 PM at the Government Center. We hope you will consider action on this by contacting the supervisors and attending the meeting. Our voices have made a difference in the past and can do so again. UPDATE: The resolution has changed and is below. (the old one was removed)

Watch the St. Croix County meetings and agenda website for updates.

Opinion: Local Legislators Need to Take Action on Impaired Waters submitted to area Newspapers from Everett "Bud" Fuchs

I learned at the recent Clean Water Forum at Riverwood Nature Center that Lake St. Croix is classified as an “impaired waterway” by the DNR because of pollution by high levels of phosphorus.  The phosphorus is coming from agricultural fields that are over fertilized, primarily with raw manure from concentrated animal feeding operations (industrial feedlots).  The run-off of polluted phosphorus laden water finds its way to the St. Croix River via tributary streams.  (Read the rest below)

Republican Legislature stalls on Clean Ground Water Rule and Releasing PFAS (Forever Chemicals) Funds 

The Wisconsin DNR has been working on groundwater standards for the past year. Two-thirds of Wisconsin residents depend on groundwater as their only source of drinking water. The same is true for St. Croix County. Communities across Wisconsin are dealing with PFAS contamination including nearby Eau Claire.  PFAS is a class of chemicals that considered “forever chemicals” as they are long lasting and break down very slowly over time.  Research studies have linked exposure to specific PFAS chemicals and a variety of health effects including, altered immune and thyroid function, liver disease, insulin dysregulation, kidney disease, reproductive issues, and cancer. Screening your water for PFAS can be costly, however, if your groundwater contains higher than normal nitrates it may be highly probable that other harmful chemicals are present.  PFAS prevention and mitigation will be one the mail challenges in the coming years. Wisconsin needs to move ahead to protect Wisconsin’s groundwater.

Concerns over Dredging Project on Lake Mallalieu

The Lake Mallalieu Association has proposed a dredging project to remove 220,000 cubic yards of bottom material from the shallow northeast portion of the lake. The Association has already received $2 million in state funding.  Some members of the association are concerned because they have never voted to approve such a project. Learn about additional environmental and wildlife issues by visiting the link below or by calling 715-202-6968

Final Candidates for St. Croix County Board

April 2nd, voters will decide on who they want to represent their district. St. Croix County candidates for the County Board were finalized on January 2nd with the St. Croix County Clerk. You can find the list of final candidates for the 19 member board HERE. These positions are non-partisan,meaning that they are not required to choose a party affiliation to run for these offices.

Communicating the Importance of Democracy on January 6

Local St. Croix and Pierce County Democracy supporters were at the Hudson Bridge on January 6th to share with passersby the importance of Democracy. While continuing to be grateful and celebrating our democracy, we must remain vigilant to any attempts to overthrow and undermine America.


Anti-Refugee Resolution proposed to St. Croix County Board


Contact Information for St. Croix County Board Members