Michelle Gorka


Michelle has lived in New Richmond with her son since 1976. Originally born on the East Side of St. Paul, and moved to Wisconsin at age 10. Michelle has two degrees from WITC, one in Computer Electronics and the other in Health Information Management. Michelle currently works for a hospital system on the East side of St. Paul as a trauma registrar. 

As secretary, Michelle is responsible for taking minutes of the executive committee and general membership meetings and distributing them. When programs are presented at the General Membership meeting, a summary of the program information will be sent out to any requesting Party member.

Michelle works closely with the new co-chair, Erica Johnson, who will be managing IT.

In Michelle's spare time, she enjoys reading, knitting, experimental cooking and grilling, and meeting with friends for coffee and conversation.

Previous Term

January 2021- January 2023


January 2023 - January 2025

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