Governor Evers Signs Fair Maps!

Governor Tony Evers was in Hudson on Monday, February 19, after signing the legislative bill that includes his fair maps. See the Governor’s video release below.

“I will always try to do the right thing for our state. Wisconsinites want fair maps, and Wisconsinites deserve fair maps. So, today, I’m enacting fair maps for the great state of Wisconsin,” Gov. Evers said. “When I promised I wanted fair maps—not maps that are better for one party or another—I damn well meant it. Wisconsin is not a red state or a blue state—we’re a purple state, and I believe our maps should reflect that basic fact.” Governor Tony Evers

 Read directly from the Governor’s press release.

Governor Tony Evers speaking to a full room in Hudson, WI.

  • The Maps will be effective immediately upon publication.

  • The November election will use these new fair maps (Assembly and Senate).

  • The new Assembly and Senate maps are noted in the press release and below.

  • Governor Evers sent a letter to the Supreme Court asking them to retain jurisdiction over the new maps, to resolve issues specifically dealing with special elections occuring prior to Nov. 8th

The Governor’s visit was covered by both the local Twin Cities media market and national news shows.

Listen to Rachel Maddow’s summary that describes the years of gerrymandering in Wisconsin by the GOP and the perseverance of the democrats. We’ve seen that here in St. Croix County. Thank you to all who worked so hard for this day to come!

Lawrence O’Donnell, MSNBC speaks with Ben Wikler, Chair of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin.

"This is a sea change moment, a tectonic shift!" "A new day is dawning in the Badger State....This is the moment" - Ben Wikler

We have a few fun images from the Governor’s visit!


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